Configuring the Dynamic Jitter Buffer

Voice frames are transmitted at a fixed rate. If the frames arrive at the other end at the same rate, voice quality is perceived as good. However, some frames may arrive slightly faster or slower than the other frames. This is called jitter (delay variation) and degrades the perceived voice quality. To minimize this problem, the device uses a jitter buffer. The jitter buffer collects voice packets, stores them and sends them to the voice processor in evenly spaced intervals.

The device uses a dynamic jitter buffer that can be configured with the following:

Minimum delay: Defines the starting jitter capacity of the buffer. For example, at 0 msec, there is no buffering at the start. At the default level of 10 msec, the device always buffers incoming packets by at least 10 msec worth of voice frames.
Optimization Factor: Defines how the jitter buffer tracks to changing network conditions. When set at its maximum value of 12, the dynamic buffer aggressively tracks changes in delay (based on packet loss statistics) to increase the size of the buffer and doesn’t decay back down. This results in the best packet error performance, but at the cost of extra delay. At the minimum value of 0, the buffer tracks delays only to compensate for clock drift and quickly decays back to the minimum level. This optimizes the delay performance but at the expense of a higher error rate.

The default settings of 10 msec Minimum delay and 10 Optimization Factor should provide a good compromise between delay and error rate. The jitter buffer ‘holds’ incoming packets for 10 msec before making them available for decoding into voice. The coder polls frames from the buffer at regular intervals in order to produce continuous speech. As long as delays in the network do not change (jitter) by more than 10 msec from one packet to the next, there is always a sample in the buffer for the coder to use. If there is more than 10 msec of delay at any time during the call, the packet arrives too late. The coder tries to access a frame and is not able to find one. The coder must produce a voice sample even if a frame is not available. It therefore compensates for the missing packet by adding a Bad-Frame-Interpolation (BFI) packet. This loss is then flagged as the buffer being too small. The dynamic algorithm then causes the size of the buffer to increase for the next voice session. The size of the buffer may decrease again if the device notices that the buffer is not filling up as much as expected. At no time does the buffer decrease to less than the minimum size configured by the Minimum delay parameter.

In certain scenarios, the Optimization Factor is set to 13: One of the purposes of the Jitter Buffer mechanism is to compensate for clock drift. If the two sides of the VoIP call are not synchronized to the same clock source, one RTP source generates packets at a lower rate, causing under-runs at the remote Jitter Buffer. In normal operation (optimization factor 0 to 12), the Jitter Buffer mechanism detects and compensates for the clock drift by occasionally dropping a voice packet or by adding a BFI packet.

Fax and modem devices are sensitive to small packet losses or to added BFI packets. Therefore, to achieve better performance during modem and fax calls, the Optimization Factor should be set to 13. In this special mode the clock drift correction is performed less frequently - only when the Jitter Buffer is completely empty or completely full. When such condition occurs, the correction is performed by dropping several voice packets simultaneously or by adding several BFI packets simultaneously, so that the Jitter Buffer returns to its normal condition.

The following procedure describes how to configure the jitter buffer using the Web interface.

To configure jitter buffer using the Web interface:
1. Open the RTP/RTCP Settings page (Setup menu > Signaling & Media menu > Media folder > RTP/RTCP Settings). The relevant parameters are listed under the General group, as shown below:

2. Set the 'Dynamic Jitter Buffer Minimum Delay' parameter (DJBufMinDelay) to the minimum delay (in msec) for the Dynamic Jitter Buffer.
3. Set the 'Dynamic Jitter Buffer Optimization Factor' parameter (DJBufOptFactor) to the Dynamic Jitter Buffer frame error/delay optimization factor.
4. Click Apply.